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Weight Loss Medications

(a better perspective)

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Weight Loss Compounding

Managing body weight can be incredibly challenging and often involves more than sheer willpower and diet changes. Many factors, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, and underlying medical conditions, can make it difficult for individuals to lose weight.

Compounding pharmacies give patients the individualized care they need when taking weight loss medications. Unlike standard weight loss treatments, which come in fixed dosages and formulations, compounded medications are personalized based on a patient’s unique health profile, weight loss goals, and any underlying medical conditions.

This includes changes to dosage size, ingredients, and even the physical form of the medication.

GLP-1 Medications

GLP-1s, primarily used to manage type 2 diabetes, also play a role in weight loss. These medications work by regulating blood sugar levels and appetite.

By mimicking the GLP-1 hormone in our body, these medications enhance insulin secretion in response to meals, slow gastric emptying, and reduce appetite.


Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist. It mimics the GLP-1 hormone released in the gut during eating.

When using semaglutide for weight loss, the main goal is to reduce the patient’s appetite enough to prevent overeating. This drug helps us feel full by signaling to the brain that we’ve had enough food.


Tirzepatide is similar to semaglutide but has its key differences. It activates the GLP-1 hormone receptors just like semaglutide. However, tirzepatide also activates the GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) hormone receptors, unlike semaglutide.

Nonetheless, how this drug achieves weight loss for the patient remains the same. Tirzepatide helps signal to our brain that we are full and slows gastric movement to help prolong the feeling of fullness.

GLP-1 Medications

Sublingual GLP-1

GLP-1s are typically injected subcutaneously, but this method comes with challenges. Patients who inject medication risk irritation to the injection site and even possible infection.

Sublingual GLP-1s provide an experience without the stress of injections. Sublingual medications are droplets placed under the tongue to be absorbed. The medication sits under the tongue for around a minute and is delivered into the bloodstream through the sublingual mucosa.

For many patients, the convenience and elimination of needles make all the difference!

SubMagna™ HMW

The foundation for quality compounded medications is a quality base. SubMagna™ HMW is an anhydrous suspension vehicle that allows drugs such as GLP-1s to be compounded into a sublingual form.

This revolutionary base has unique permeation-enhancing and mucoadhesive properties, allowing molecules to more easily absorb into mucosal tissue.

Sublingual GLP-1

Low-Dose Naltrexone for Weight Loss

Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) takes a multifaceted approach to helping patients lose weight. LDN is not an injectable. It is commonly prescribed in a capsule but can also be compounded into different forms.

Patients who take LDN experience:
  • Reduced appetite
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased endorphins
  • And improved sleep

These effects positively influence weight loss efforts.

LDN Weight Loss

Weight Loss Medication Side Effects

Taking any medication carries a risk of side effects. Patients taking weight loss drugs should be cautious of a few possible occurrences.

Gastrointestinal issues are common when taking GLP-1s. These include:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • And constipation

Since GLP-1s slow the gastric process, increasing and maintaining fiber intake is important.

Other side effects include a risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.

Communicating with your doctor and pharmacist about possible adverse effects is essential. Any negative reaction should be monitored so that we can adjust the treatment process to better suit the patient’s needs.

Weight Loss Side Effects

Supplements While On Weight Loss Drugs

Weight loss drugs typically work by curbing appetite to create a caloric deficit. However, when patients eat fewer calories, they also take in fewer nutrients!

A proper supplement regimen is vital when taking GLP-1s and other weight-loss drugs.

As mentioned, fiber plays a significant role in having a successful weight loss experience. Additionally, patients will need to supplement protein, electrolytes, calcium, and vitamin D.

We offer care packages that include necessary supplements to help our clients maintain nutrition levels while on weight loss medications.

Supplements While One Weight Loss Drugs
Green Leaf

Contact Us About Weight Loss Medications

Many patients are seeing success stories in real life, whether it’s their friends or family. Even so, some people may be hesitant to start weight loss medications.

Our pharmacy assists both patients and doctors in having a positive weight loss experience. Our dedicated staff helps educate patients about the ins and outs of weight loss medications and is sure to answer any pressing questions.

Please fill out the form, and we will respond promptly.

You can also send us a text:
Littleton: 303-707-1500
Cherry Creek: 303-333-2010

Reach out to us on social media and take a look behind the scenes at our compounding lab.